The Old Library
Whangarei Youth Music (WYM) currently holds a lease of premises at The Old Library, 7 Rust Avenue, Whangarei.
WYM undertakes to manage bookings for the hire of the building by other groups.
The terms and conditions of hire are set out below.
Terms and Conditions of Hire - as at June 2019.
1. The Activity
The Old Library is only hired out for Performing Arts activities.
2. Bookings
The Hirer will be required to nominate one person to be their representative, and to provide a contact email address to which all communications may be sent.
At the time of the booking enquiry the hirer shall provide the following details:
Type of activity /nature of the event.
Preferred date/s.
Required time period/duration of booking.
Required room or combination of rooms.
Requirement for staging risers and/or piano.
3. Hire rates
The hire rate shall be generally in accordance with the rates set out in Pricing section on the website, and shall be confirmed between the Hirer and the WYM Bookings Officer.
An invoice for the agreed amount will be issued by email in advance of the event.
4. Concurrent bookings /activities
There may be concurrent users in other rooms of the building, provided there is sufficient sound separation between the relevant spaces. The Bookings Officer shall endeavour to arrange the bookings in such a way as to minimise disruptions.
Toilets and kitchen shall be shared by all concurrent users.
5. Event Promotion and Ticketing
The Hirer is responsible for the advertising and promotion of their event.
WYM may be able to assist in promotion of public events at The Old Library by displaying the Hirer’s advertising material inside the building and in the A3 size billboards on the exterior of the building. WYM may also be able to post details of the event on the WYM website and by direct email communication to a network of supporters, provided the Hirer’s advertising material is supplied by email at least 6 weeks in advance of the event.
The Hirer shall make their own arrangements for ticketing.
6. Access and Operation of the Building
The Hirer’s nominated representative will meet the Bookings Officer at an agreed time prior to the booking/event for a brief initiation regarding procedures and protocols including:
Access arrangements: Entry keycard, alarm activation and de-activation.
Staging arrangements: Agree location of staging risers (if required), backing screens and curtains.
NOTE: Staging risers will be set up dismantled by WYM and charged at the rate listed.
Operation of lights and heaters.
Location of chairs and trolleys.
Location of bathroom consumables & vacuum cleaner.
7. Front of House, Seating
The hirer shall make their own arrangements to engage Front of House staff, Technical/AV staff, and Security Staff as and when considered necessary.
The hirer will be responsible for setting up chairs and packing them away. See below for seating layout requirements.
8. Fire Regulations, Emergency Procedures and Egress
The seating layout must meet the requirements of the Fire Regulations for safe egress in the event of emergency. An approved seating layout will be provided by the Bookings Officer.
Emergency exit points should be announced to all members of the public in attendance of any event.
The Emergency exit points are shown on the approved seating layout plan and each exit has an illuminated exit sign.
9. Clean Up, Lights, Heaters, Building Security
The Hirer will leave the spaces clean and tidy as they found them and remove their rubbish. Costs incurred by WYM for any damage to the building or contents will be met by the Hirer.
Vacuuming the space (if necessary) and cleaning the kitchen (if used) after the activity, will be the responsibility of the Hirer.
Securing the building after use, closing windows and turning all lights and heaters off is the responsibility of the Hirer if last to leave. Any costs incurred due to the building being insecure will be met by the Hirer if found to have not fulfilled their responsibility of securing the building when last to leave.
10. Smoking
There is to be no smoking in any part of the building.
11. Noise Levels
Noise control is subject to the provisions of the Whangarei District Plan and the Resource Management Act.
It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure permissible sound levels are not exceeded.
12. Cancellation
The hirer must notify the WYM Bookings Officer in writing if the event is to be cancelled.
50% of the hire fee will be forfeited if the booking is cancelled within 15 working days of the event.